Sunday, March 17, 2013

Fun at Home

Not much to report on this week as our girl has been pretty sick and we've been taking it easy until she feels better.  Josh and I went to Blake's parent teacher conferences on Wednesday and as a result of the conferences, Blake had Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off from school.  So needless to say it's been a long week/weekend especially with Joslyn not feeling well.  Luckily Joslyn was also off from school last week which was good so she wasn't missing days.  I finally took her into the doctor Saturday morning because she was on day four of 104 temps and they gave her antibiotics she must take for 10 days.  She doesn't like the medicine but it does seem that she's feeling a little better.

Blake's conference went well.  He gets high marks for being friendly and kind to his friends and teachers.  He especially enjoys cutting paper and creating things with sticky tape, Mandarin {especially songs} and inviting friends to play when he is busy at work in his classroom.  Blake is also kinda shy to try new things and seems to be exerting his independence and refusing to do certain activities without an adult with him, so we're looking into ways to help him gain confidence to do these things on his own and to be ok with new things too.  We are just so grateful Blake has such fantastic teachers and is able to attend such a great school.  We couldn't be more pleased with how well he is doing overall!

So since Joslyn wasn't feeling well, our high hopes to go to the zoo, the aquarium, or the water park were dashed late last week.  Instead we had to come up with fun things to do around the house.  One of our ideas was to get out the shaving cream, water buckets, and squirt bottles, and it turned into lots of fun!

Our fun with the shaving cream then turned into having a car wash!

Josh also hooked up our Wii this past weekend and Blake especially loves it!  He is able to play the speed slice game where you cut fruit and objects.  He laughs so hard when he plays that he almost can't continue.  Blake also tried bowling {which he is surprisingly good at} and the airplane flying game.  Joslyn can fly the airplane too!  I'm not a huge fan of video games for kids but I'm also ok with breaking the rules every now and then.

Friday night Josh and I got out for a date night at one of our favorite Mexican places, Cafe Iguana.  We're really lucky that here in Singapore you really kind find any kind of food you might crave if you know where to look.  The food is really more Mexican than Tex-Mex which I think is why we love it so much.  Carnitas corn tortilla tacos and mini chimichangas...YUM!  We also made the poor decision to have a pitcher of margaritas.  {Note to self:  this is for when you're out with four ppl minimum!}  This weekend also being St. Patrick's Day we headed out to a party with a few of our friends.  Live bands, Guinness, and some pretty good food make for fun any time!  I especially liked that it was a good excuse to get a new dress...  

Now it's Monday and we're off on a new week.  We leave on Saturday for Phuket, Thailand for some beach time with the kids!  They are counting down the days with paper rings {they take one down each night}...the excitement is palatable!  Especially for Blake who can't think of anything but riding an airplane!  CAN'T WAIT!

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